High-level overview


Your game's world is defined as a collection of facts: the player killed x amount of enemies, an NPC has opened y amount of doors, the player is currently near z NPC, etc.

In Mímir, facts are collected together into a map (Query), where the key is the unique identifier of the fact, and the value is the fact's value.

Rules and evaluators

Also, your game will (most likey!) have predefined rules that define behaviour that should occur when one or more facts are true. We represent rules as a map (Rule), where the key is the unique identifier of the fact, and the value is a predicate (Evaluator) that is evaluated against the fact's value.


Finally, rules can be stored together in collections known as rulesets (Ruleset). Rulesets allow a query to be evaluated against many rules at once: Mímir will always look to match a query against the rule in the ruleset with the most requirements (i.e. more specific).

ℹ️ If multiple rules with the same specificity are matched within a ruleset, one is chosen at random.